
Wicca’s Core Tenets and Beliefs

As discussed by members of The Thicket and compiled by Brock & Elfwreck in Autumn 2003

  1. Wicca is a mystery religion.
  2. Wiccans believe that Divinity is made manifest in both masculine and feminine Forms.
  3. Wiccans believe that the world was created and is maintained by the joining together of these two Forms in the Sacred Marriage.
  4. Wiccans believe that Divinity is immanent within the world, and therefore all that is, is in some part Divine.
  5. The dates for Wiccan observances are determined by the changing phases of the moon, and the turning of the seasons.
  6. Wiccans hold a religious observance at the time of the full moon.
  7. Wiccans believe that magic is efficacious when worked in the proper forms and setting as part of a Wiccan religious practice.
  8. Wiccans believe that each person is able to experience direct contact with the Divine without a need for an intermediary.
  9. A re-enactment (in some form) of the Sacred Marriage is a necessary part of Wiccan ritual.
  10. The ethics and behavior of Wiccans must be guided by the Wiccan Rede.
  11. Wiccans believe that the world will return to them the same sorts of energies they send out into the world.
  12. Wiccans do not require some specific place or structure where worship always takes place, but rather establish their ”sacred space” anew with each observance through the creation of the magic circle, which is subsequently ”dismissed” at the conclusion of the observance.

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