• Reading – What Witches Do: Introduction

    What Witches Do by Stewart Farrar was first published in 1971, after the author, a journalist, was sent to interview Alex Sanders, the founder of Alexandrian Wicca. Farrar was charmed by Sanders and his witch cult, and set about writing…

  • What is a Witch?

    For us:- “Witches are what Witches do” and they:- Celebrate the mysteries through the Wheel of the Year. Engage in the Great Work. Raise power to work magic Practice of the Crafts which integrate us into the world, such as…

  • Witchcraft Today: Chapter 2

    Notes made while reading “Witchcraft Today” by G.B.G. What is a witch? Men and women with knowledge of spells (via charms, potions etc) for healing, love, harming Can affect the weather Communicated with spirits, the dead, small gods Power or…

  • The History of Wicca and Modern Pagan Witchcraft

    Books I own The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft by Ronald Hutton Trials of the Moon: Reopening the Case for Historical Witchcraft by Ben Whitmore Wiccan Roots: Gerald Gardner and the Modern Witchcraft Revival by…

  • Witchcraft Today: Chapter 1

    Notes made while reading “Witchcraft Today” by G.B.G. Skyclad – “only in that way can we obtain power” If clothing impedes the release of power, perhaps you’re not raising it right! GBG sees aura only on bare flesh, but projection…

  • Why Wicca? Why Witchcraft? Why Witch?

    These are the things that make sense to me: the Divine is immanent in all things reality is not either/or but and~more polarity is important not just for the extremes of the spectrum but for the infinite in between in…

  • Wicca’s Core Tenets and Beliefs

    As discussed by members of The Thicket and compiled by Brock & Elfwreck in Autumn 2003 Wicca is a mystery religion. Wiccans believe that Divinity is made manifest in both masculine and feminine Forms. Wiccans believe that the world was…

  • Wiccan Ceremony Structure

    Notes made while reading “Towards the Wiccan Circle” by Sorita d’Este. Purification of the Ritual Space This is usually done through the blessing of Salt & Water, with which the space which the ceremony will be performed is sprinkled. It…

  • 1.1 Wicca, Witchcraft, Paganism

    Notes made while reading “Towards the Wiccan Circle” by Sorita d’Este. Witchcraft is a folk magic practice that utilises spells of various forms to make manifest one’s Will. Paganism is term used to describe a range of pre-Christian religious beliefs…