• 1.4 My Personal Timeline

    Notes made while reading “Towards the Wiccan Circle” by Sorita d’Este. 1992 – I have an intense mental experience (daydream?) that convinces me God is female and magic is real. I begin to concentrate really hard on things I want…

  • Wiccan Ceremony Structure

    Notes made while reading “Towards the Wiccan Circle” by Sorita d’Este. Purification of the Ritual Space This is usually done through the blessing of Salt & Water, with which the space which the ceremony will be performed is sprinkled. It…

  • 1.1 Wicca, Witchcraft, Paganism

    Notes made while reading “Towards the Wiccan Circle” by Sorita d’Este. Witchcraft is a folk magic practice that utilises spells of various forms to make manifest one’s Will. Paganism is term used to describe a range of pre-Christian religious beliefs…